Sunday, 10 July 2016

The Tyrannosaurus Rex - The first dinosaur featured in this blog

Everyone knows about Tyrannosaurus Rex (or its short form T-rex which I will be using throughout this post), but most people have false impressions on it. Well, now I'm here to put those impressions to rest, and tell you much more about it.
  • The T-rex is reputed to have very short hands, but they are more than 3ft long and very strong. If you look at the picture below (of a dinosaur named Carnotaurus), you won't think T-rex's arms are short anymore.
  • T-rex wasn't the biggest carnivorous dinosaur. It wasn't even the second. There are two dinosaurs, Spinosaurus(you might know this one from Jurassic Park 3) and Giganotosaurus which are bigger than it. 
  • This is not related to topic, but recent studies show that the T-rex would win in a fight against the Spinosaurus (if they lived in the same time and place) as the T-rex's teeth and body were more developed than Spinosaurus. (more on that later)
  • The female T-rexs were bigger than males, which doesn't make much sense as the male has to hunt. However, the female had to lay eggs, so it needed bigger hips.
  • The T-rex was not originally known as T-rex. In 1892, when it was found, it was called Manospondylus gigax or Giant Thin Vertebrae. Later, the president of the American Museum of Natural History, Henry Fairfield Osborn, named it Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Goblin Shark

The goblin shark is a rarely seen species of deep sea shark. Its population status is in least concern (because of low incidence of capture and its wide distribution) but it is rare as it lives at the bottom of the sea. It is sometimes called a living fossil as its family (Mitsukurinidae) extends back around 125 million years ago. Adults can reach about 10 to 13 ft (3 to 4 m) and can live in depths greater than 330 ft (100 m). Juveniles are smaller and live in shallower water than adults. They live in Submarine canyons, Upper continental slopes and Seamounts around the world. The goblin shark is sllugish in nature because of its flabby body and small fins. It hal a long flat snout and a mouth containing sharp needle like teeth. Its snout, like other sharks, has tiny electrorecepters called Ampullae of Lorenzini that detect electrical pulses emmited by animals. The goblin shark has an eerie habit where it can extend its jaw to catch prey.

The goblin shark eats a wide variety of fishes, rays, squid, octopi and other sharks. They also eat crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp. Most of these creatures are hunted using the electroreceptors on its snout.



Now a video

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Patagonian Mara

The patagonian mara, (also known as the Patagonian cavy or dillaby) is a medium sized rodent in the species Mara (Dolichotis). It looks somewhat like a cross between a rabbit and a deer. They are related to the Capybara. It is monogamous, meaning that it has only one mate in its life. Their habitat ranges from shrubland to deserts. I never knew about this animal before I researched about it and I thought it was a rare or threatened animal. After researching, however, I found that it was in Near Threatened.

Patagonian maras are herbivorous animals. They eat herbs and grasses and various vegetables. If they live in the desert, they also include cacti in their diet. Grasses make up for 70% of their diet.


Now a video