Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Frill-necked Lizards

Frill-necked lizards, also known as frilled dragons, are a type of lizards found mostly in Northern Australia and Southern New Guinea. It is mainly arboreal(lives in trees). Its main predators are birds of prey, snakes, larger lizards etc. Adults can reach up to 3 feet in length and up to 0.5 kgs in weight. Their name comes from the flap of skin surrounding its neck. When it is threatened, it unfurls the flap and hisses.


Frill-necked lizards eat insects, spiders, other reptiles and small mammals. They also eat cicadas and termites.


A video

Saturday, 18 April 2015


The gerenuk or waller's gazelle is a species of antelope found in dry thorn shrubland and desert. They are found in the Horn Of Africa and the African Great Lakes region. They are also called the giraffe-necked antelope because of their long neck. Gerenuks whistle when they are annoyed, make a buzzing sound when alarmed, a loud bleat when in danger and a soft bleat when communicating with their young. Gerenuks can also go their whole life without drinking water!


A gerenuk eats leaves and shoots from prickly bushes. It also eats flowers, fruits and buds. They obtain moisture from the plants it eats so it doesn't need to drink water.


A video