The Lyrebird is a subspecies of bird that is mostly native to Australia. Lyrebirds are amazing for their ability to mimic sounds from its surroundings, including those that are man-made. In the below video, you can see a Lyrebird showing off his ability to imitate several other bird species along with a camera shutter, car alarm and even a chainsaw. They are very shy, that is why people don't know much about them. They are mostly ground dwelling, though they can fly if they need to.
The lyrebird is found in many rain forests in Australia. You can also find lyrebirds in national parks in Australia. During mating, the females create an open area mound in dense bush, on which they dance and sing for mates. The female makes an untidy nest, which is usually low to the ground in a moist gully, where she lays a single egg. She is the only parent, who incubates the egg over 50 days until it hatches. She is also the only protector of the chick when it hatches.
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